
Showing posts from August, 2016

New House Kitchen Inspiration

I'm counting down the days until I can get in to the new house and start the reno process. I'm pretty sure there will be a moment a month or so from now (or maybe sooner) that I regret that statement but that is what I am feeling. So much excitement, anticipation mixed with anxiety and a little fear. You know that nagging "what are we going to find when we start tearing things up?" feeling that keeps creeping in to my thoughts as I plan my design. YOLO right?! I've been dreaming of owning an old home forever!  I've been dreaming about it for so long that this in between time while we wait has me all antsy and wanting to get busy already. Literally, killing me. Well, there is only one thing to do.....Pinterest and Photoshop to keep me busy. I've been thinking about the kitchen design the most because that will be the very first project we tackle. That and tearing out every last piece of carpet and painting the entire house white. Still trying to figure out ...